SMS scheduling for business – Micro-Saas Case Study – Recustom

Besides the regular stuff, I’m undertaking some Micro-Saas work. One is an SMS scheduling tool for small businesses, Recustom.

What’s it for? Recustom is a low-config tool to create customer contact SMS templates. The templates are easily configured to send an automated SMS for the future.

For example, when a customer is paying for their car service. You could enter a name, car type, and queue an automatic SMS message to send in 3 months time.

Using Recustom can reduce customer churn and keep customers coming back – who would otherwise forget the business, move on, or otherwise defer the spend entirely.

Recustom is a simple platform without many moving parts. It’s mostly an experiment in building out a useful shared tech stack for other micro-saas projects. A minimum mvp.

Users can sign in, join a team, set up a simple template, send a test SMS from their business, and continue to SMS their customers on automated schedules from that point forward.

Future plans are to set up interfaces with invoicing systems and other obvious business touch points. This will make an even more hands off process to actively retain customers who have already been captured.

The app uses modern serverless architecture. This means low maintenance, high scalability, and future-proof easy development. Using Google Cloud for data storage, scheduled jobs, and cloud functions means concentrating on writing the code – instead of messing about with file permissions and server configs.

To read more, check out SMS scheduling to retain customers on the Recustom site.